Healthy eating is the key to health, and as a bonus, shedding those extra pounds around your waist and more.
If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, stay in good physical shape, and feel light, our app is just for you!
Here you will find many wholesome and delicious recipes for healthy eating!
Eating right is like a diet but without the need to torture yourself with monotonous daily food and hunger!
With the help of our app, you will start a new lifestyle, and not only will you eat healthily, but you will also shed those extra pounds! And if you don't have them, healthy food has never been harmful.
We offer you simple and healthy recipes for tasty dishes, and the best part is that they will always be at your fingertips.
And let them say that eating right is boring and monotonous. We will prove that healthy food can be delicious and diverse, without harm to your figure, and, most importantly, simple and quick to prepare.
In the app, in addition to recipes, you will also find daily recipes for many novelties; you can create your collection of favorite and tasty dishes. But the most remarkable feature of our app is the builder! What is a constructor, you ask? It's a feature that every woman wants so much!
With the help of the constructor, our app will offer you many diverse and healthy recipes from the products that are always at home!
Just open the constructor, choose what you have on hand or in the fridge, and create your healthy food!
Healthy Food is not just buckwheat and vegetables; it includes many tasty and exciting dishes, including desserts.
BreakfastOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Boiled chicken fillet
Chia pudding with peach puree
Boiled rice
Green borscht without potatoes
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Curd with raisins
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Strawberry casserole
Carrot and apple salad
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Trout in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Fish casserole
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Red rice with mussels
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Snacking 1Orange and carrot Fresh
Boiled chicken fillet
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Rabbit in kefir
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Homemade croutons
Dessert with berries without sugar
Trout in the oven
Banana cookies
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Watermelon salad
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Curd pie with apples
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Chocolate butter
Yogurt - dessert
Broccoli fritters
Banana cupcake
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
LunchOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Pasta in tomato sauce
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Pasta with pesto sauce
Сhia pudding
Carrot and apple salad
Zucchini pie
Lavash cupcakes
Rolls with ricotta
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Grilled egg burger
Healthy breaded nuggets
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Pasta with salmon
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Baked lavash with vegetables
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Baked beans with peas
Beef cutlets with cheese
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Fish on vegetable bed
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Homemade croutons
Brown rice with cod liver
Stewed beans with vegetables
Oatmeal cookies
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Bulgur with vegetables
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Quiche with berries
Meat Khachapuri
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Red rice with mussels
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Carrot cookies
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Lula kebab in the oven
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with beans and pickled onions
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Salad with cod liver
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Salmon in sauce
Snacking 2Toast
Boiled turkey
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
DinnerOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Omelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Boiled chicken fillet
Chia pudding with peach puree
Boiled rice
Green borscht without potatoes
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Curd with raisins
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Strawberry casserole
Carrot and apple salad
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Trout in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Fish casserole
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Red rice with mussels
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Snacking 1Orange and carrot Fresh
Boiled chicken fillet
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Rabbit in kefir
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Homemade croutons
Dessert with berries without sugar
Trout in the oven
Banana cookies
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Watermelon salad
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Curd pie with apples
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Chocolate butter
Yogurt - dessert
Broccoli fritters
Banana cupcake
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
LunchOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Pasta in tomato sauce
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Pasta with pesto sauce
Сhia pudding
Carrot and apple salad
Zucchini pie
Lavash cupcakes
Rolls with ricotta
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Grilled egg burger
Healthy breaded nuggets
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Pasta with salmon
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Baked lavash with vegetables
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Baked beans with peas
Beef cutlets with cheese
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Fish on vegetable bed
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Homemade croutons
Brown rice with cod liver
Stewed beans with vegetables
Oatmeal cookies
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Bulgur with vegetables
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Quiche with berries
Meat Khachapuri
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Red rice with mussels
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Carrot cookies
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Lula kebab in the oven
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with beans and pickled onions
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Salad with cod liver
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Salmon in sauce
Snacking 2Toast
Boiled turkey
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
DinnerOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Orange and carrot Fresh
Boiled chicken fillet
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Rabbit in kefir
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Homemade croutons
Dessert with berries without sugar
Trout in the oven
Banana cookies
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Watermelon salad
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Curd pie with apples
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Chocolate butter
Yogurt - dessert
Broccoli fritters
Banana cupcake
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
LunchOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Pasta in tomato sauce
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Pasta with pesto sauce
Сhia pudding
Carrot and apple salad
Zucchini pie
Lavash cupcakes
Rolls with ricotta
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Grilled egg burger
Healthy breaded nuggets
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Pasta with salmon
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Baked lavash with vegetables
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Baked beans with peas
Beef cutlets with cheese
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Fish on vegetable bed
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Homemade croutons
Brown rice with cod liver
Stewed beans with vegetables
Oatmeal cookies
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Bulgur with vegetables
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Quiche with berries
Meat Khachapuri
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Red rice with mussels
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Carrot cookies
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Lula kebab in the oven
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with beans and pickled onions
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Salad with cod liver
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Salmon in sauce
Snacking 2Toast
Boiled turkey
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
DinnerOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Orange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Pasta in tomato sauce
Boiled turkey
Buckwheat porridge
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Rice with seafood
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
New potatoes with dill
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Pasta with pesto sauce
Сhia pudding
Carrot and apple salad
Zucchini pie
Lavash cupcakes
Rolls with ricotta
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Grilled egg burger
Healthy breaded nuggets
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Pate in lavash
Pasta with salmon
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Baked lavash with vegetables
Greek ice cream
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Baked beans with peas
Beef cutlets with cheese
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Fish on vegetable bed
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Grilled pita with vegetables
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Homemade croutons
Brown rice with cod liver
Stewed beans with vegetables
Oatmeal cookies
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Bulgur with vegetables
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Quiche with berries
Meat Khachapuri
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cheese pancakes with cottage cheese
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sauteed eggplant
Red rice with mussels
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Hake with tomato sauce
Millet with vegetables
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Cutlets with stuffing
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Quiche with trout
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Egg roll
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Carrot cookies
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Bread without flour and yeast
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Pizza - pie
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Lula kebab in the oven
Yogurt - dessert
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with beans and pickled onions
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Salad with cod liver
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Salmon in sauce
Snacking 2Toast
Boiled turkey
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
DinnerOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Boiled turkey
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Feta toast
Spinach roll
Dessert yogurt
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
DinnerOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Omelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Boiled rice
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Boiled brown rice in water
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Wheat porridge
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Cabbage salad balsamic
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Salad with grilled vegetables
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Quinoa with spinach
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Goat cheese omelette
Stewed beans with vegetables
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Mash with vegetables
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Rice rolls
Salad with coconut chips
Pollock with onion and pepper
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Grilled Rice cakes puffed
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Salad with salted trout
Cabbage fritters
Egg roll
Quick pie
Buckwheat cutlets
Pumpkin omelet
Mash with pumpkin
Salad for a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner!
Salad with mussels and tuna
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Soup puree with cauliflower
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salmon in sauce
Low carbOmelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Omelet with vegetables
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Green borscht without potatoes
Stewed mushrooms
Boiled turkey
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Buckwheat soup
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Salad with avocado and squid
Baked cauliflower
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Salad with squid
Strawberry casserole
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Grilled zucchini cake
Pickled Mackerel
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Salad of radishes and green onions
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Soup with cabbage and liver
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Baked pepper
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Salad with tuna
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Layered salad
Stuffed pepper
Trout in the oven
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Eggplant bruschetta
Zucchini cake
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Curd pie with apples
Quick pie
Pumpkin omelet
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Yogurt - dessert
Salad with Quinoa
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Protein mealsEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Boiled chicken fillet
Baked chicken breast
Pollack baked
Boiled turkey
Bulgur with beef and mushrooms
Turkey and zucchini cutlets
Baked beef
Cashew nuts
Curd with raisins
Steamed chicken cutlets
Curd casserole with berries
Flounder with vegetables in the oven
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Nuggets in the oven
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Pasta with mussels
Lentil puree
Strawberry casserole
Pancakes with apples
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Healthy breaded nuggets
Omelet in lavash
Fillet with vegetables and basil
Fried chicken fillet in sauce
Beef cutlets with cheese
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Fish on vegetable bed
Rabbit in kefir
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Grilled mackerel with zucchini
Marinated chicken
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Egg salad with beans
Roll with egg
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Dessert with berries without sugar
Omelet with tofu
Egg toast
Layered salad
Trout in the oven
Cod caviar fritters
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Egg in pepper
Homemade sausages
Fish casserole
Meat Khachapuri
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pizza pie
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Sour cream rainbow
Rice rolls
Cheesecakes with bran
Pollock with onion and pepper
Live porridge
Hake with tomato sauce
Cutlets with stuffing
Warm salad with veal
Fish in batter
Liver salad
Egg roll
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin omelet
Buckwheat paste
Roll with poppy seeds
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Baked squid
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salad with mozzarella
Salmon in sauce
Egg dishesEalthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Omelet with green onions and grilled tofu
Egg pancakes with delicious filling
Omelet in lavash
Roll with egg
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Omelet with tofu
Snack Napoleon
Egg in pepper
Pancakes and frittersPancakes
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Bread with a piece of cheese
Warm rye bread sandwich
Adyghe toast
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Baked syrniki
Spinach fritters
Bruschetta with vegetables and cheese
Pancakes with apples
Lavash cupcakes
Pancakes with figs
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Pate in lavash
Lavash with Ricotta
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Cheesecakes in the oven
Egg toast
Cod caviar fritters
Snack Napoleon
Quiche with turkey
Cheese pancakes without flour
Banana pancakes
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Envelopes with apples
Cabbage fritters
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Broccoli fritters
Bean cutlets
SaladsGreen pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Green pea salad
Salad with avocado and squid
Salad with squid
Couscous with tuna
Carrot and apple salad
Salad with olives and mustard
Cabbage salad balsamic
Salad of radishes and green onions
Salad with grilled vegetables
Egg salad with beans
Salad with tuna
Layered salad
Snack Napoleon
Watermelon salad
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Salad with chickpeas
Salad with coconut chips
Warm salad
Warm salad with veal
Salad with salted trout
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Salad with tuna and green beans
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Salad with squid and fried peppers
Salad with cod liver
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Zucchini DishesZucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Zucchini pie
Rolls with ricotta
Zucchini layer cake
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled zucchini cake
Grilled eggplant cake
Omelet with zucchini
Boats from zucchini
Zucchini omelette
Potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker
Zucchini pancakes in the oven
Pie with cabbage and zucchini
Zucchini cake
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
DessertsChia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Chia pudding with peach puree
Curd casserole with berries
Baked syrniki
Strawberry casserole
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Pancakes with figs
Greek ice cream
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Greek dessert
Curd muffins
Oatmeal cookies
Coconut muffins
Healthy candy
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Banana cookies
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Chia Pudding Vegan
Apple strudel
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Curd buns
Curd quiche
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Mini cake
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Pumpkin muffins
Roll with poppy seeds
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Carrot cookies
Chocolate butter
Cottage cheese pancakes with strawberries
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Yogurt - dessert
Coconut pancakes
Banana pancake
Banana cupcake
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
AdditionOrange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Orange and carrot Fresh
Wheat porridge
Vegetable salad
Pollack baked
Cabbage and pea salad
Stewed mushrooms
Green pea salad
Boiled turkey
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Vegetables in the oven
Steamed chicken cutlets
Nuggets in the oven
Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Salad with olives and mustard
Healthy breaded nuggets
Pickled Mackerel
Cabbage salad balsamic
Baked beans with peas
Dessert with berries without sugar
Oatmeal cookies
Meat Khachapuri
New Year's menuGreek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Greek dessert
Snack Napoleon
Sour cream rainbow
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Warm salad with veal
Baked potato
Julienne in potatoes
Salad with tuna and green beans
Yogurt - dessert
Banana cupcake
Salmon in sauce
Seafood salad
Cottage cheese cupcakes without baking
Stuffed eggs with avocado
Salad with quinoa and broccoli
Salad with pistachios and fried mushrooms
Festive dessert in 5 minutes
Lavash tartlets
Cheese snack
New Year's tangerines
Chicken muffins with cheese
Stuffed dates with ricotta
Mediterranean salad
Lavash with salmon and avocado
Festive salad
Salad shrimp with parmesan
Eggplant lasagna
Tomato appetizer
Turkey in soy sauce
Banana ice cream with berries and dark chocolate
Trout under a fur coat
Crispy fish medallions
Baked avocado with egg
Lula kebab
Shish kebab on skewers
Accordion potato
Raspberry Cheesecake No Bake
Cake with nuts
Turkey with mozzarella and basil
Canape with cheese and salmon
New Year's salad
Beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese
Snack with avocado
Quail with mandarins
Toast with caviar
Mackerel on a potato pillow
Baked apple with ricotta
Rolls with fish
Meat dishesBoiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Boiled chicken fillet
Quiche with turkey
Pizza pie
Rice rolls
Cutlets with stuffing
Liver salad
Egg roll
Tongue in lemon sauce
Lula kebab in the oven
Fish dishesSnack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Snack Napoleon
Fish casserole
Lazy cabbage rolls with shrimps
Pollock with onion and pepper
Hake with tomato sauce
Fish in batter
Salad with salted trout
Buckwheat paste
Salad with mussels and tuna
Salad with tuna and green beans
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Salad with Quinoa
Calamari with dried tomatoes
Homemade sprats
Marinated tuna
Baked squid
Salad with cod liver
Marinated calamari in 5 minutes
Salmon in sauce
Side dishesRice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Rice with raisins and honey
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Vegetables in the oven
Baked cauliflower
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Baked potato
Pasta with avocado
Mash with spinach and lemon
Egg roll
Buckwheat cutlets
Mash with pumpkin
Tongue in lemon sauce
Salad with tuna and green beans
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Lentil cutlets
Stuffed lumakoni
Couscous with mushrooms and tuna
Warm salad
Lula kebab in the oven
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Chia pancakes
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
SoupBuckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Buckwheat soup
Soup with cabbage and liver
Live porridge
Chickpea puree soup
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Soup with tofu
Vegetarian dishesOmelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
Omelet with vegetables
Ealthy Oatmeal Omelette
Orange and carrot Fresh
Bread with a piece of cheese
Oatmeal with dried fruits
Muesli with milk
Wheat porridge
Adyghe toast
Rice with raisins and honey
Chia pudding with peach puree
Buckwheat porridge
Buckwheat soup
Buckwheat with mushrooms
Black coffee without sugar and milk
Bruschetta with tomatoes
Greek yogurt
Cashew nuts
Kefir 2.5%
Rice cake
Curd with raisins
Dried apricots
Baked apple
Sweet pepper
Boiled beets
Curd casserole with berries
Omelet with cottage cheese and spinach
Baked syrniki
Baked cauliflower
Сhia pudding
Pancakes with apples
Omelet with stewed zucchini
Grilled egg burger
Bruschetta with salmon and avocado
Omelet in lavash
Oatmeal with dried apricots
Oatmeal with chia
Baked lavash with vegetables
Omelet with zucchini
Greek ice cream
Oatmeal with banana and nuts
Braised cabbage in a slow cooker
Zucchini omelette
Buckwheat with mushrooms and peas
Grilled pita with vegetables
Omelet with cottage cheese
Lavash with Ricotta
Quinoa with spinach
Lazy cottage cheese dumplings with strawberries
Strawberry ice cream
Strawberry smoothie
Cherry casserole
Goat cheese omelette
Homemade croutons
Omelet with cherry tomatoes
Granola with blueberries
Stewed beans with vegetables
Dessert with berries without sugar
Cheesecakes in the oven
Oatmeal cookies
Egg toast
Bulgur with vegetables
Curd muffins
Coconut muffins
Mushroom pancakes
Egg in pepper
Quiche with berries
Banana pancakes
Mash with vegetables
Watermelon salad
Eggplant and zucchini pancakes
Cottage cheese muffins with coconut
Eggplant bruschetta
Chia Pudding Vegan
Grilled Peaches
Indian salad
Rolls with cheese
Zucchini cake
Buckwheat with fruits
Sour cream rainbow
Salad with coconut chips
Cheesecakes with bran
Baked vegetables
Live porridge
Beetroot risotto
Barley with vegetables
Green shawarma
Warm salad
Chickpea puree soup
Couscous with avocado
Envelopes with apples
Stuffed potatoes
Baked potato
Curd buns
Pasta with avocado
Curd quiche
Feta toast
Mash with spinach and lemon
Cabbage fritters
Julienne in potatoes
Spinach roll
Processed cheese in a slow cooker
Dessert yogurt
Flaxseed porridge with baked apples
Pumpkin-beetroot salad
Grated apricot pie
Curd pie with apples
Pumpkin soup puree
Tofu with vegetables
Chickpea snacks
Quick pie
Mini cake
Buckwheat cutlets
Cottage cheese buns with dried apricots
Mash with pumpkin
Cheese cream - soup with mushrooms
Galette with egg and spinach
Tart with berries and rhubarb
Beetroot risotto with mushrooms
Zucchini pancakes with chickpea flour
Baked cabbage in garlic-cheese sauce
Soup puree with cashews and tomatoes
Chocolate butter
Bread without flour and yeast
Lentil cutlets
Chickpea pancakes with mushrooms
Stuffed lumakoni
Biscuit with strawberries
Homemade granola
Cheesecakes with chocolate
Soy patties with quinoa and mushrooms
Coconut pancakes
Pie snail with suluguni
Chia pancakes
Banana pancake
Sweet potato with mushrooms
Cabbage rolls with mushrooms and beans
Broccoli fritters
Paella (rice) with sun-dried tomatoes
Banana cupcake
Bean cutlets
Sauerkraut roll
Soup puree with cauliflower
Soup with rice noodles
Salad with mozzarella
Light salad with arugula and green peas
Salad with cheese and nuts
Ice cream sorbet with chocolate and nuts
And every week, there will be new additions!
Ⓒ Printslon 2023